falling failing feeling freeing
- Arrival
- Digital Love Languages ⚘ Opening
- Opening Questions
- Digital Love Languages ⚘ Introduction
- Who is here with us
- Include your name, where you’re based, and something you have fallen in love with learning or something you have been unable to learn.
- This introduction does not need to be definitive or formal. It can be mundane and gentle. This will just be one of many ways we get to know each other.
- Secret third option: briefly describe something or someone whom you love and what you have learned from/with them.
- Melanie & Lee & Alexa introductions
- Community Agreement highlights
- Syllabus walkthrough
- Class Infrastructure – Website, Discord, Drive, Notes, Recordings, Arena, Office Hours
- HW: Love Letter to a Liberatory Learning Environment & software form & software setup
- A place to fall in, a place to fail in, a place to feel in, a place to set free
- A return to the application question: What if all our software was made by people who love us? What is something you use often that would be different if it were designed by someone who loves you? How would it be different? Who do you wish would make it? Who would you make it for?In breakouts share your responses with each other. Consider how each person approached the question differently. please share your question responses anonymously or not in the riseup linked in chat.
- Honor the land where you are – Our home for these in-person sessions is physically located on a server owned or contracted by Zoom while our bodies are elsewhere. Both the servers and where we sit take up space on land where other people once lived. Native-Land.ca | Our home on native land is a resource to find out who the original stewards of the land are where you are.
For a more equitable viewing experience: Change your Zoom view to “Gallery.” Look to the top right.
What are Office hours?
- may be used for technical or conceptual feedback – or both!
- you may know exactly what you want to talk about going in to an office hour or not! Office hours are also a chance to get to know the teacher/person better, learn more about that person’s work, or ask very general life/art/practice questions.
P2P office hours
- It’s up to you ♡ Link is in our drive
- Movie night? Dance party? Show and tell? Make new friends?
- P2P Office hours are also a great way to connect the Tuesday & Wednesday groups of Digital Love Languages
How we’ll use Arena
- Arena is a collaborative research platform. We’ll mostly use it to share inspiration with each other.
What kinds of relationships can hold love for you?
In all kinds of relationships, with people, with the environment, with family, friends, and partners, what are your love languages?
What are your digital love languages?
How does the digital harm and how does it hold?
What does it feel like to fall in love? With people, places, objects, environments, systems..
☽☼Homework for next week
A love letter to a speculative liberatory learning environment
A place to fall in, a place to fail in, a place to feel in, a place to set free
Gently plumb the depths of your imagination and think about the following prompt:
- Imagine a space that can hold you and those you want to learn with.
- This space is need not be like any learning environment that exists. It does not have to be realistic or adhere to laws of physics.
- What kinds of rooms, interconnecting hallways, or gardens could be grown? What kinds of activities would learners do in different spaces throughout the space?
- What kinds of subjects would be taught there? Are their teachers and students or some other set of roles?
- Do the roles ever change?
- How is time measured?
- What small moments of routines do you practice here?
- What are the bathrooms like? How about the furniture? Are there laboratories? Playgrounds? Napping rooms?
- Consider the kinds of relationships you would like this space to hold & how people could relate to each other differently based on the proximity and content of their learning?
- Consider how you would like to share space with others here and how different parts of the space are accessed and by whom?
- Are there grades? How are people separated into groups if ever? What are the taxonomies? For ex: traditional school systems will group people by categories such as age, class, geography, “ability”, “behavior”, and able-bodied-ness.
- Consider the ephemeral aspects of the school as much as the physical aspects.
- In this space, how do you communicate and care for each other?
- What are the emotional qualities of the space?
- What is the weather like?
- Consider the many forms it could take,
- A memory palace with many rooms. In each room a memory of something that someone learned in this room.
- A forest of learning gardens where each participant is a flower and insects carry knowledge back and forth between them.
- A multi-generational interconnected courtyard boarding house with rooms for climbing, rooms for growing, rooms for cooking, rooms for singing.
Write, draw, or sketch your response and upload it to the class project form.
The only restriction is that your response be an image file format like a png or jpg. If it is all text filling the image, that’s great! If it is a drawing, that’s great too! If it is multiple images, with any combination of text and image, this is also good.
For inspiration, these were the DLL 2020 responses to this prompt: Love Letters to a Speculative Liberatory Learning Environment
3. Installations
To install Vscode or Sublime, our recommended general purpose text editor:
Mac terminal program:
- You can use the default ‘Terminal’ app on Macs or you can download Iterm2 (recommended)
Windows terminal program, Git Bash:
- Download Git Bash
Suggested Reading
Browse these Folder Poem Examples
Next week – Folder Poetry: The practice of using the structure of computer folder organization as a new kind of poetic form like the haiku or iambic pentameter. By naming and nesting folders and files, we can create unfolding narratives, rhythmic prose, and choose-your-own-adventure poetry.