With special guest teacher Sidney/Paolo San Martín

The “elements” of a web page

A web page is a structure, like a folder poem, but where a folder poem has folders and files, a web page has elements and text nodes. They’re different from folders and files in lots of ways, including:

Files and foldersElements and text nodes
All have unique (within their parent folder) namesDon’t have names
Only one “flavor” of folderElements have tag names, mostly with a big list that browsers know about, that make them look and work differently (title, p, script, img, video).
Not in any particular order(!)In the order you write them; can be rearranged

How a browser reads a web page

All web pages have an html element which contains a head and a body and nothing else. The head contains invisible things (like a title element that sets the title of the tab!) and the body contains everything else. A web browser reads a .html file as text and uses that to build the initial version of the web page, every time you load it:

<html> <head></head> <body> hi </body> </html>

Even when we just wrote “hi”, the browser built all of the basic structure and put “hi” in the body as a text node.

You write something like <div> to mark the beginning of an element and </div> to mark the end of an element (a div element is just a container):


When you don’t include end tags like </div>, the browser follows some rules to make a structure anyway:

<p>hi <p>there <p>DLL!

In this case the rule it’s following is “p elements can’t be inside other p elements, so let’s assume each one ends before the next one”.

One special rule to follow

Every .html file should start with “<!DOCTYPE html>” on a line by itself. This just tells the browser “hey, this web page isn’t super old, so you can follow current rules for how to interpret the rest of the HTML!”

now the browser can relax and assume the web page doesn’t need special treatment! 🏝️
<!DOCTYPE html> now the browser can relax and assume the web page doesn’t need special treatment! 🏝️

Other languages in an .html file

Some elements, mainly style and script, aren’t visible but contain code in other languages that change how the page looks and works!


from me to you
<!DOCTYPE html> <style> p { color: red; } div { color: rgb(127, 0, 255); } div.green { color: green; } </style> <p>hello</p> <div>dll</div> <div class="green">dll</div>

hello, dll!

<!DOCTYPE html> <p id=yay> hello, dll! </p> <script> yay.textContent = "Hello from " + Date(); </script>

HTML ingredients

CSS ingredients

Getting philosophical

Over the next two classes, I’d like to explore three things:

the web
and boundaries between people
web browsers
as the thresholds between our computers
web pages
which cross the threshold

Mentioned in class…


Create a website that fulfills one of the prompts in this channel as inspiration. Consider inventive ways of combining the building blocks of HTML and CSS. Share screenshots/recordings of your website to our homework sharing form. Please remember to sign up for office hours and ask your questions in the discord!

Next week we will be making our websites even more alive with javascript.